Post Production Script
I Remember 1948
24 mins digital betacam
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Timecode Out |
Shot |
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-English |
- Arabic |
1. |
00:01:30 |
00:01.36 |
Title |
Film and Television Office Presents a Young Filmmakers Fund Film LOGO:
2 |
00:01.34 |
00:01:47 |
Charida |
that was my paradise, my heaven |
(Subtitles) البيت
الذي ولدت
فيه، كان
جنتي. نعيمي. |
3 |
00:01:47 |
MS |
Hourani |
We used to have a house. Land, cattle, sheep. My
father used to grow vegetables, fruit |
(Subtitles) كان
عندنا بيت، رض،
أبقار، خراف... كان
أبي يزرع
والفاكهة. |
4 |
00:01:57 |
00:02:14 |
CU |
-- that was a home, a living, a standard of living
that for everyone in a village is a great life. And
all of it was lost because we were expelled out of Palestine in 1948. |
المعيشي كانا
يمثلان لأي
شخص في
القرية حياة
عظيمة. .
وكل ذلك ضاع لأننا
طردنا من
فلسطين سنة
1948. |
5 |
00:02:15 |
00:02:27 |
Title |
1948 a resolution was forced through the United Nations to
partiition Palestine and create the state of Israel. |
العام 1948، فُرض
قرار بالإكراه
على مجلس
الأمن لتقسيم
وإنشاء دولة
إسرائيل. |
6 |
00:02:28 |
00:02:38 |
Title |
were fearful of the attacks by Zionist terror gangs, who wanted even more
land |
خائفين من
الصهيونية، التي
كانت تريد
المزيد من
الأراضي |
7 |
00:02:39 |
00:02:46 |
Title |
Palestinians fled in 1948 |
ألف فلسطيني
شردوا في
العام 1948 |
8 |
00:02:47 |
00:02:55 |
Title |
are the stories of four survivors of this exodus who eventually made their
way to Australia. |
روايات 4
ناجين من ذلك
النزوح وجدوا
لاحقاً إلى
أستراليا |
9 |
00:02:56 |
00:03:05 |
100% |
beach and oranges |
00:03:05 |
00:03:13 |
Film Title |
(super) I REMEMBER 1948 |
1948 |
10 |
00:03:14 |
00:03:39 |
CU |
Haj |
(Subtitles) I
was two months pregnant with
my eldest daughter when
the war broke out in
Palestine, in Jaffa. My
in-laws' house was
facing the sea and
they were bombing us. I
was scared. It was the first time
I'd seen such things. People
started to flee. They
were saying that the Jews were
going to occupy Palestine |
dialogue |
11 |
00:03:40 |
00:03:48 |
100% |
Oranges on beach |
(Subtitles) |
12 |
00:03:43 |
00:03:47 |
v/o |
was – just came from school and |
قد عدت لتوّي
من المدرسة |
13 |
00:03:48 |
00:04:30 |
Charida |
whole family, I remember, we
gathered for dinnerÉ and
my mother was in Safad, and
I still remember she
brought me a toy. And
we had dinner. And
my father was away from home for seven days because he was in the front line,
risking his life to defend his village. So,
after seven days, we met, the whole family. It was the last – last Day. |
أن جميع
العائلة كانوا
العشاء. كانت
أمي في صفد وما
زلت أتذكر أنها
جلبت لي لعبة
معها. تناولنا
العشاء، .
كان والدي
متغيباً عن
المنزل لمدة
سبعة أيام لأنه
كان على
الأمامية يخاطر
للدفاع عن
قريته. فبعد
سبعة أيام اجتمعنا
كل أفراد
العائلة وكان
ذلك اليوم
الأخير. |
14 |
.00:04:31 |
00:04:56 |
100% V/O |
Oranges |
was at night when we got the message -- ,or the people were informed that
the village has fallen, and that the Arab forces, like
the Syrians and the others, have
left, and
the village was surrounded by the Zionist army, So
everyone was panicking -- didnÕt know what to do. |
(Subtitles) كان
الوقت ليلاً
لما وصلتنا
الرسالة، أو
لما تم إبلاغ
الناس بأن
القرية قد
سقطت. وبأن
العربية، مثل
وغيرهم، قد
رحلوا وأن
محاصرة من
قبل الجيش
الصهيوني. فكان
مذعورين ولم
يعرفوا ما
الذي يجب
عمله. |
15 |
00:04:56 |
00:05:18 |
MS |
Hourani |
People start to fled and we were collected, first of all, in a huge hall, from memory, I donÕt know if it was the mill or anything
else. I canÕt remember. And because too many People were inside it, people start to feel scared and worried, especially
when some mortar shells start to explode outside that building. |
بالهرب وتم
أولا في قاعة
كبيرة، حسبما
أذكر. لا
أتذكر ما إذا
كان ذلك في
المطحنة أو
في مبنى آخر. ولأن
الناس في
الداخل كانوا
كثيرين بدأوا
والقلق خاصة
عندما بدأ
بعض قذائف
الهاون بالتساقط
خارج المبنى. |
00:05:18 |
00:05:53 |
continues |
Hourani |
left then, some of us of course left, My
parents, my uncle and his family, we left, walking
in any direction outside the village and
we later on knew that the people who stayed inside that big hall were
captured by the Zionist army, and
the women and children were standing on one side and they made the rest of
the men stand in a queue and shot them in front of the families. |
بعد ذلك، البعض
منا غادر. غادرنا
مع والديّ
وعائلته ومشينا
في أي اتجاه إلى
خارج القرية. وعرفنا
في ما بعد أن
جميع من بقي في
تلك القاعة تم
أسرهم من قبل
الصهيوني. جعلوا
والأولاد يقفون
في جهة وبقية
يصطفون في
جهة أخرى وأطلقوا
النار عليهم
عائلاتهم. |
16 |
00:05:53 |
00:06:07 |
100% |
waves, oranges |
17 |
00:06:07 |
00:06:11 |
V/O |
All that I can remember that shells were still
falling on the side everywhere |
(Subtitles) أتذكر
أن القذائف
كانت تتساقط حولنا
في كل مكان |
18 |
00:06:12 |
00:06:39 |
CU |
Hourani |
sometimes you hear the whistle of the guns everywhere or
the bullets passing over the heads or beside. But
actually people didnÕt pay attention or much attention to that everyone
was scared just rush and rush It
was a very arid and difficult walk from memory, we
had bleeding feet. |
تسمع طلقات
البنادق وهي
تنطلق في كل
مكان، أو
أزيز الرصاص فوق
رأسك أو
بقربك. ولكن
الناس في
الواقع لم
تعر ذلك
كبيراً لأن
خائفين وعلى
عجلة من
أمرهم. كانت
الأرض قاحلة
صعباً، حسبما
أذكر، وكانت
تنزف. |
19 |
00:06:39 |
00Ó06:56 |
100% |
walking on beach |
20 |
00:06:47 |
00:06:56 |
V/O |
was only, 7É8 years old, I mean, I couldnÕt really run cause I was scared,
you know, my -- |
(Subtitles) كنت
في الثامنة
من عمري فقط، ولم
أكن أستطيع
فعلاً، لأنني
كنت خائفاً. |
21 |
.00:06:47 |
00:07:49 |
MS |
Charida |
my legs was shaking because I canÕt really run properly, my family had
to cross a bridge, they crossed the bridge and I was a bit far away from them, then one
Israeli plane, throw a bomb, blow the whole bridge. See, the pressure of the bomb lift me up about maybe 2 metres from the ground, and I fall, and all the dust and theÉ and I lost consciousness, and I donÕt know what happened after. Later on, one young woman come, she move the dust from my
body, she took my hand and we went away out to the village. |
ترتجفان لأنني
لم أكن أركض
جيداً. كان
على عائلتي
أن تعبر
جسراً، ثم
قاموا بعبور
الجسر لكنني
كنت متخلفاً
عنهم بعض
الشيء، عندها
قامت طائرة
إسرائيلية بإلقاء
قنبلة ونسفت
بكامله. الضغط
الذي ولّده
القنبلة رفعني
عن الأرض ما
المترين ثم
وقعت وكان
هناك الكثير
من الغبار وغير
ذلك، ففقدت
وعيي ولم
أعرف ماذا
حصل بعد ذلك. لاحقاً،
جاءت امرأة
صبية ونفضت
الغبار عن
جسمي ونفضت
الغبار عن
جسمي ثم
أمسكت بيدي ومشيت
معها إلى
خارج القرية. |
22 |
00:07:49 |
00:07:58 |
V/O |
Water/waves |
looked to the village, the
flame was about 10 metres high in the sky, they burned the whole village. |
إلى القرية فرأينا
السنة النار
مرتفعة حوالي
10 أمتار نحو
السماء. حرقوا
بأكملها |
23 |
00:07:49 |
00:08:07 |
100% |
Water/waves |
24 |
00:08:07 |
00:09:13 |
MS |
Daoud |
rest his soul, my father told me to
go and get my sister and
her children from the house. They
lived near the
vegetable market, in
the house that they owned. I
went on foot. I
ran to the vegetable market And
the distance between the
house and the port is
about a 20 minute walk. It
takes 20 minutes to
get to the port. I
got to my sister's house and
told her to come down and
bring the children. So
my sister came down with
her children, along
with her brother-in-law. We
had walked about
30 metres from the house when
a bomb landed right
in front of the house It
killed her brother-in-law. Dead. Murdered. |
dialogue |
25 |
00:09:13 |
00:09:36 |
100% |
oranges |
26 |
00:09:36 |
00:10:12 |
MS |
Charida |
I saw one woman she was dead, but she had about maybe one year-old baby, crying and crying and then, you see, there was like a pool of blood around the body of the mother and the baby crying and one tank came along and, really, run over the
body and the baby as well. And I was watching the blood come out of the soil. That -- really – picture, if I live 1000
years, you think I can forget that? Nobody can forget this |
(Subtitles) رأيت
امرأة ميتة وكان
معها طفل
عمره حوالي
سنة وكان
يبكي. وكانت
هناك بركة من
الدم حول
جثة الأم. كان
الطفل يبكي ثم
جاءت دبابة وسارت
فوق الأم
والطفل معاً. كنت
أشاهد ذلك وأرى
الدم يطفح من
التراب. ذاك
المنظر، حتى
ولو عشت ألف
سنة، أتعتقدين
أنني أستطيع
أن أنساه؟ لا
أحد يستطيع
أن ينسى هذا. |
27 |
00:10:12 |
00:10:24 |
100% |
beach with oranges |
28 |
00:10:25 |
00:11:01 |
MS |
Daoud |
(Subtitles) We
had to find a means of
getting the children away. So
we put them in a tumbrel... There
was a horse, or
maybe it was a mule, with
a wooden cart behind it. I
put the kids and
my sister on it and
I got on and told him to go. He
went from
the vegetable market to
the Salaihy Market, and
from there he
went down past the mosque and
continued to the sea, to
the portÉ the port of Jaffa. |
Dialogue |
29 |
00:11:01 |
00:11:10 |
100% |
in water |
30 |
00:11:10 |
00:11:28 |
MS |
Haj |
(Subtitles) We
left, like
everyone else did. I
was a newlywed. My
mother-in-law locked
the door behind her after
she'd packed our clothes and
then she put them on
the boat with us. |
Arabic Dialogue |
31 |
00:11:28 |
00:11;35 |
100% |
in water |
32 |
00:11:30 |
00:11:36 |
V/O |
(Subtitles) When
we got to the port the
bombing intensified. |
Arabic Dialogue |
00:11:36 |
00:12:23 |
MS |
Daoud |
were firing mortars. Not
small arms. They
were mortars, bombs. There
were dinghies that
were meant to take us. We
call them jirrim, and
a jirrim can
hold a lot. People
started getting onto
the jirrim to
be taken to a ship, an
Italian ship, for sure. It
was anchored further
out to sea. There
were so many people on
the jirrim that
it was about to sink. Too
many people were on it. We
got to the ship but
the bombs were
still falling on us even
when we were in the water. |
33 |
00:12:23 |
00:12:33 |
100% |
in water |
34 |
00:12:29 |
00:12:33 |
V/O |
(subtitles) One
poor woman was
so scared of the bombing. |
Dialogue |
35 |
00:12:33 |
MS |
Haj |
Jews were shelling us while
we were on the shore. She
wanted to
carry her daughter but
picked up a pillow instead and
left her daughter behind. She
never knew what
happened to her. The
woman was with us on
the boat. |
36 |
00:12:52 |
00:13:41 |
MS |
Daoud |
(subtitles) When
we got to the ship there
was only one stairway for
the people to climb on. People
were climbing over each
other to get to safety, trying
to avoid being injured or
killed and so on. So
they began to lower ladders made
of rope. Ladders
made of rope. The
younger ones were
able to climb up these
rope ladders. Those
carrying small children were
taken up on the stairs. Women
were taken up first and
the men and boys would
help until
we all got onto the ship. At
midnight, no
one else could get on. |
Dialogue |
37 |
00:13:41 |
00:13:56 |
100% |
on Beach |
38 |
00:13:54 |
00:13:56 |
V/O |
(subtitles) My
sister-in-law |
Dialogue |
39 |
00:13:56 |
00:15:01 |
CU |
Haj |
gone to Egypt so
they took us to
Port Said in Egypt. We
stayed in Port Said. I
had my eldest daughter there. I
was very distressed because
my parents weren't
with me. From
Port Said they
took us by train to Gaza. I
had my second girl in Gaza. After
I gave birth... They
took me to a hospital but
that hospital had no food, they
didn't serve food. And
my mother-in-law didn't
have any money at all. I
stayed there for three days My
sister-in-law, who
was about 13 years old, started
taking my new daughter to
look for new mothers to
breastfeed her. She'd
have died without
breast milk. Both
girls needed to be breastfed, but
I couldn't do it. My
milk dried up because
there was no food. |
40 |
00:15:01 |
00:15:21 |
MS |
Charida |
I used to look for the people where they throw
their garbage, and search in the garbage what they have, maybe, some food left over, like a dog, pick it up and eat it, thatÕs how I was surviving 29 daysÉ |
(Subtitles) كنت
أذهب إلى
الأماكن التي
يرمي فيها
قمامتهم وأبحث
في محتويات
النفايات لعلي
أجد فيها بعض
الطعام، مثل
الكلب. كنت
وآكلها. هكذا
بقيت على قيد
الحياة، لمدة
29 يوماً. |
41 |
00:15:21 |
00:15:31 |
100% |
in the sea |
42 |
00:15:31 |
00:16:02 |
& Haji |
(Subtitles) After
that they came and
told us that
we had to go to Lebanon. That's
after being in Gaza, and
I had two girls. My
mother-in-law packed
all our things and
the guides came, put
us on donkeys and
took us there at night. put
us on donkeys and
took us there at night. and
we were terrified they'd
see us and kill us. |
dialogue |
43 |
00:16:02 |
00:16:17 |
100% |
and oranges |
44 |
00:1617 |
00:16:18 |
What happened to me was like a dream, |
م(Subtitles) ا
حدث معي كان
مثل الحلم. |
45 |
00:16:18 |
00:17:04 |
MS |
Charida |
something really unbelievable. My
family was sitting on the other side, there was like an open house and
they were all living there. We
have a dog, the dog saw me, my
family doesnÕt, the
dog jump on me and start – and
then they follow the dog – they
follow the dog and they found
me. Cause
maybe, I donÕt know, the dog smell me, or something. He
never recognise me. And
then they come, grab me, and
I still remember my mother, ÒThanks God, you are alive. I
thought you were dead a long time agoÓ. |
شيء لا يصدق
بالفعل. كان
جالسين... في
الآخر من
المنزل، كان
مفتوحاً على
بعضه وكانوا
ساكنين هناك. كان
عندنا كلب. الكلب
رآني! عائلتي
لم ترني. قفز
الكلب علي،
وبدأ... ثم
لحقوا هم
بالكلب. لحقوا
ووجدوني. لا
أعرف، ربما
شمّ الكلب
وعرفني. ثم
جاؤوا هم
وأمسكوا بي، وما
زلت أتذكّر
أمي تقول، "شكراً
لله، إنك حي. اعتقدت
أنك ميت منذ
وقت طويل." |
46 |
00:17:04 |
00:17:17 |
100% |
images |
47 |
00:17:17 |
00:17:40 |
In CU |
Hourani |
We shared a tent with another family on the other side. My parents. after a few days. they wanted something
we could sleep on it. So they went back into the village, walking to get
some clothes. We were left
alone; |
(subtitles) كنا
نشارك السكن
مع عائلة
أخرى في
خيمة واحدة. بعد
بضعة أيام
أراد والديّ جلب
شيء لننام
عليه فذهبوا
سيراً على
الأقدام إلى
القرية لجلب
بعض الملابس. |
48 |
00:17:40 |
00:18:10 |
MS |
Hourani |
remember we always sat at
the front of the tent, waiting
patiently, and
then when the evening comes, and
parents – sorry – would
not arrive, we
would cry and
go to bed crying. We
had no-one to look after us for 3 nights, until
my parents returned. |
بمفردنا. أتذكّر
أننا كنا
نجلس دائماً أمام
الخيمة ننتظرهم
بفارغ الصبر وعندما
كان يأتي
المساء ولم
يكن والديّ... آسف. ولم
يعد والديّ... كنّا
نبكي، ونذهب
إلى النوم
ونحن نبكي. لم
يكن لدينا من
يهتم بنا. بقي
غائبين ثلاث
ليال حتى
عادوا. |
49 |
00:18:10 |
00:18:30 |
100% |
and oranges |
50 |
00:19:30 |
00:18:38 |
V/O |
still remember the time, the
season was really autumn. It
was windy |
(subtitles) ما
زلت أتذكّر أن
الفصل كان
خريفاً والريح
شديدة |
51 |
00:18:38 |
00:19:43 |
MS |
Charida |
and the dust, really, you know, rising in the sky. And I was very hungry. I was standing right in front of my father. I said, ÒDad, I Ôm hungry.Ó And my father was a tall man, and I was, really,
standing in front of him; all of a sudden, I felt some warm drops of water
dropping on my head. I thought it was raining and then I looked up. It wasnÕt raining; it was the tears of my father. He was crying, but he didnÕt want to let me feel he
is crying, you see, cause he has a lot of pride, but he couldnÕt really help his tears |
يتطاير ويرتفع
في الجو. وكنت
جائعاً جداً. كنت
قبالة والدي
بالضبط. قلت
له، "أبي،
إنني جائع." كان
والدي رجلاً
طويلاً، وكنت
أنا واقفاً
قبالته ثم
فجأة شعرت
بنقاط ماء
دافئ تتساقط
على أعلى
رأسي. اعتقدت
أن المطر بدأ
يتساقط. رفعت
نظري إلى
أعلى لكنها
لم تكن تمطر، كانت
تلك دموع أبي. كان
يبكي. إنما
لم يكن
يريدني أن
أشعر أنه
يبكي. كان
عنفوانه لكنه
لم يستطع
تمالك دموعه. |
52 |
00:19:43 |
00:20:08 |
100% |
on beach |
53 |
00:20:08 |
00:20:44 |
& Haji |
(Subtitles) While
going to Lebanon on
the donkeys at night my
daughter would fall from
my lap and
they'd pick her up and
put her back on. My
mother-in-law held
the other girl. The
falls were too traumatic for
her, a two-month-old baby. A
month after we arrived in
Lebanon, my girl died. Her
sister didn't last long either. After
the harsh journey, and
with all the anguish and
suffering that we faced, my
other child also died. I
lost both girls. |
dialogue |
54 |
O0:20:44 |
00:21:17 |
100% |
Sea and beach with oranges |
55 |
00:21:17 |
00:22:08 |
MS |
Daoud |
(Subtitles) My
father wanted to return to
Jaffa. The
French at the Naqoura border
post told
him that we
weren't allowed to return and
that after 7 or 8 days everyone
could return. They'd
send us away. We
tried several times to
get someone to
let us return to Palestine, to
our land, our homes, our
families... We
still had family there. My
brothers hadn't left Jaffa. They
were still at our homes. But
they did not allow
us to return. And
it is still the case to
this day. Israel
is now eliminating the
Palestinian people and
expelling them. Dead
or alive, it
makes no difference to them. |
dialogue |
56 |
00:22:09 |
00:22:47 |
CU |
Hourani |
I still have the greatest desire to go back to Palestine and, most likely, to the place where I was born and have a handful of dirt in my hand – sorry -- just to say that I am back, seen my birth village, and I belong to – I still feel that I belong to that land. |
(Subtitles) ما
زالت لدي
رغبة شديدة بالعودة
إلى فلسطين، والرغبة
بالعودة إلى
المكان الذي
ولدت فيه لأحمل
حفنة من
التراب بيدي... آسف. لمجرد
أن أقول أنني
عدت، أنني
رأيت القرية
التي ولدت
فيها والتي
أنتمي إليها= ما
زلت أشعر
بأنني أنتمي
إلى تلك
الأرض. |
57 |
00:22:47 |
00:23:17 |
MS |
Charida |
If you uproot a tree, that tree will die, but we are more than trees, because we belong to
that, really, soil, because the grand, grand grandfathers were buried there, our history, our life, our future, our past, was
there. |
(subtitles) إذا
اقتلعت شجرة
من جذورها سوف
تموت تلك
الشجرة. نحن
أكثر من
مجرّد شجر، لأننا
ننتمي إلى
ذلك التراب. لأن
هناك. إن
تاريخنا، حياتنا،
وماضينا كلها
هناك. |
58 |
00:23:17 |
00:23:23 |
and Haji |
it have been better if
you'd stayed and
not gone to Lebanon or
come here? |
Dialogue |
00:23:23 |
00:23:26 |
course. Is
there anything like
one's homeland? |
00:23:26 |
00:23:32 |
Haj A
homeland is precious. There's
nothing like oneÕs
homeland. |
00:23:32 |
00:23:42 |
dissolve |
59 |
00:23:42 |
00:23:46 |
- Harvesters in Field |
60 |
00:23:46 |
00:23:50 |
Dissolve |
- Men on Sea Wall |
61 |
00:23:50 |
00:23:55 |
Dissolve |
- Fruit pickers |
62 |
00:23:55 |
00:24:00 |
Dissolve |
- Young man sitting by sea and castle |
63 |
00:24:00 |
00:24:05 |
Dissolve |
– Girl & baby by sign to Jerusalem |
64 |
00:24:05 |
00:24:15 |
out to |
Where should the birds fly after the last sky Mahmoud
Darwish |
65 |
00:24:25 |
00:25:20 |
Credits |
with assistance From
the New South Wales Film and Television Office Respect and thanks to all the Palestinian elders who shared
their stories with usÉ ON SCREEN Soliman
Al-Halawani - Abu Daoud Dib El
Chami - Haj Abu Mustafa Rafica El
Chami Batach - Heje Om Mustafa Dr. Mahmoud
Hourani Fouad
Charida OFF
SCREEN Abdulram
Abdulram - Abu Fadi George
Dabbagh Farah
Telegraph Haj Daoud Haj
Hussneh Eldamouni Haj
Moussa Rubi Itaf
Khalil Jalal
Asfour Kassem
Kaddora Leila
Telegraph Leila
Zkout - Om Ahmed Mahmoud
Yousuf Sultan Nicola Awad
- Abu Jalal Nicola
Nour Nigal
Nour Salim
Issa Thanks to
Rihab Charida for inspiring and instigating the ÔI Remember 1948Õ Project, an
exhibition by Arab artists inspired by stories of the ÔNakbaÕ (the
Catastrophe) - Sydney, Australia
General Union of Palestinian Workers Palestinian
Club - Guildford Council
of Australian Palestinians Mitri Dahdal Jim Batshon Chris Batshon Hussam El
Chami Darine
Eljarrar Patrick
Abboud Evette
Hanna Alissar
Gazal Alissar
Chidiac Nicole
Barakat Antoinette
Abboud Assad Abdi Lena Nahlous Ben Ho Nesrine Eljarrar Alice
Ansara Francesco
Motta Syrian TV Holder Held Needeya Islam SBS
Arabic Radio 6moons
interactive Special
Assistance Film
Australia Information
and Cultural Exchange SWITCH
Multimedia Digital Arts Access Centre SEARCH
Foundation Visualeyes University
of Technology, Sydney Nick
Meyers Frans
Vandenburg, ASE CREW
Ansara – Executive Producer Sohail
Dahdal – Producer Fadia
Kisrwani Abboud – Director Katrina
Barker – Editor Fadia
Kisrwani Abboud – Editor Dominika
Ferenz – Director of Photography Soraya
Asmar – Artistic Director John
Nikolakopoulos – Sound / Gaffer Maissa
Alameddine - Archival Research
and Catering Fern
Madden – Make Up Finn
OÕKeefe – Sound Design Jalal
Abdallah – Arabic voice Joseph
Abdo - subtitles Offline
editing facilities – Magnet Film and Video Editing Online
and Grade – Visualeyes,
Roen Davis Sound Mix
– Philmsound, Ian Mcloughlin Archival
images Univted
nationals Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees Before
Their Diaspora, a Photographic History of Palestinians, 1876 – 1948,
Walidi Khalidi Khalil
Raad Collection © The Institute of Palestinian Studies ÔI
Remember PalestineÕ Music composed
and performed by Joseph Tawadros (Cello, Oud, Violin) James
Tawadros (Percussion) Original
Mix by Michael Kennett |
66 |
00:25:20 |
00:25:30 |
FTO © Fadia Abboud |